Thursday, June 4, 2020

Velle Bakes | Pandan Cake


There are a thousand and one pandan chiffon cake recipes out there so I'm not going to repeat myself here for various reasons.
  1. Mine wasn't actually a 100% success, the cake was not upright. The pandan colour is alright, taste is good too, quite soft and spongey.
  2. Chiffon cake are quite temperamental, the recipe you probably can get it accurate, but it is still your oven temperature and timing that you need to experiment and get it right.
  3. A chiffon baking tin would be good to turn the cake upside down to cool, which I don't have, so that probably might be the reason my cake "sunk".


  1. Large eggs on the recipes actually meant the normal sized eggs you find in the supermarket.
  2. Always use room temperature ingredients. 
  3. I recommend reading up a few recipes from bloggers on their tips and failures. I personally enjoyed reading ieatishootipost posts. It was very insightful! and it was quite hilarious...
I jumped onto the bandwagon since everyone else are baking and experimenting at home. Plus it kept my kids entertained and occupied. Literally everyone had their turn at stirring the cake. Yeap...i know it is a CHIFFON cake, so best not to over stir it!!! I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to baking, so a little mess, a little imperfection, it's ok for me.
And everyone had a cake to eat themselves.
here are some of my photos to share!


just hot out from the oven, still very poofy and pillowy! This is the time to turn it upside down if you have the chiffon tin! I consider it a success since there is a caramelised brown top, no cracks and fully upright.
above: i left my pandan cake to cool in the regular baking tin without turning it upside down. Once it is cooled, i took it out from the tin and as you can see, it has "sunken" on the sides and the top.

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