Tuesday, August 8, 2017

James - Performance at Nanyang Kindy

This year for James' class, they were told to come in a Malay Costume! As we had advance notice, so I begged my parents to take a trip down to Geylang Serai to find a malay boy costume for James. When my parents passed me the costume, I thought they would have bought a "traditional" malay colour like grey or purple...but it turned out red! WOW.

hmm, now I'm thinking of letting James wear his malay costume for Lunar New Year!!! hahaha...that would mean that I get a chance to recycle his clothes if not, when will he wear his malay costume again? It would be like never since we don't really celebrate Hari Rayas.

Anyway back to the National Day celebrations, hubs attended the performance and James was so cute in his costume!!! and the little children performed to the song of Rasa Sayang.

at the age of 3, I think all parents would be really proud to see their little children dancing and prancing along together.

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