Sunday, November 14, 2021

Breakfast and Dinner


Sometimes, I want to eat my mum's homecooked braised chicken stew. It is so savoury, sweet and so filled with "homeliness". Is there even such a word? So this dish that my mum always cooks and pairs it will white rice, it is so delicious!! It has thick velvety mushrooms that soaks up all the gravy, sweet carrots and quail eggs. The chicken is soft to the bones and the gravy is thick and flavourful.

My mum never wants to have me overseeing her cook in the kitchen, so I don't have my mum's recipe. I only know the ingredients where the naked eye can see - chicken, quail eggs, mushrooms, carrots. I'm sure there's some ginger somewhere...hahaha...anyway, I try to replicate it at home by googling recipes online. They don't taste the same as mum's but it is good enough for me and my family.

Breakfast: home made waffles, scramble eggs, bacon and sliced cucumbers.

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