Saturday, May 30, 2020

Velle Cooks | Egg Muffins, Egg cups, mini fritatas



These are really yummy and super easy egg protein packed breakfast which my kids love because of the savoury and salty bacon wraps. The main ingredient is of course eggs, the rest you can use whatever that is left in your fridge!

For today, I'm using my leftover zuchinni and bacon into this egg muffins. Somtimes, I use cherry tomatoes, cheddar and egg; or combination of egg, mushrooms and bacon also works.

If you want to skip the meat part, tomatoes, spinach and mozzarella works well too!


1. Beat eggs in a bowl (i use about 6 eggs for a family of 5), season with a dash of salt and pepper. If you are using bacon, I suggest you can skip the salt, cos I find it quite salty already.

2. Heat oven to 180 deg celcius

3. Add beaten egg into muffin tray about 1/2 full, top up with ingredients (bacon, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, cheddar or mozzarella)

4. Bake for 20mins! Once done, leave it to cool for a few seconds, cos they will be really puffy when they are out hot from the oven, once they start to "deflat", use a butter knife to nudge it out from the muffin tray and serve.


you really need a very good non stick muffin tray, like these ones I have in my photos, I sprayed vegetable oil all around, yet some parts of the egg muffin was stuck like crazy. It was only after I went out to buy myself a non-stick muffin tray (black coloured ones), it was such a life saver! The muffin just slips right out!!! and it was so easy to wash the trays!

only pour about 3/4 full of the eggs because they will puff up really high while baking in the oven.

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