Saturday, November 26, 2016

Home@Stirling - Dismantling the baby cot

Now that we have created a spare room at our previous dining area, we are bringing the baby cot down to the nanny's room. Hubs and I went down to IKEA to buy a new mattress for James and now his little cot has to make way for his little sister.

Currently above photo shows our current layout of the baby cot under the bunk bed where Jules is sleeping above and James sleeps below. There's a small play area under the bunk bed where the buys enjoy reading books and playing their cars. But it has to go now to make way for James mattress.
above: hubs dismantling the baby cot so that he can bring piece by piece down to the nanny's room
the boys are super excited about James having a new pad of his own

above: ta-duh! the cot has been shifted down and the new mattress has been set up. James is very happy with his new little area. Even Jules want to bunk in with him.
James making himself comfy and pulling his blanket over himself.

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