Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jules - 7 months Development

wait. I talk to you later.

what is it you say?

ooo. the sun is very bright.

Jules rocking back & forth
Jules is developing his motor skills pretty well now - he can scoop things up with one hand and transfer them from one hand to the other. He is also able to clasp his hands together and sip from a two-handled cup although he doesn't really enjoy now.  it was like only at the beginning as a novelty that interested him.
At home, the noise level is increasing, not only because of his babble, but also because he enjoys banging objects together, to him it's absolute joy.

Jules is also rocking back and forth on his hands and knees and tries to crawl or repeatedly roll over to move about the room. He doesn't really move backwards like some babies do or what I've heard but when he crawls he put his head down and move forwards with his butt high up.

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